

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The One With The Rant About Calzona and Ariliza

*my dashboard is being stupid and won't let me upload pictures so bleeh.

Disclaimer: These are all just my opinions but feel free to engage, just don’t hate me. HAHAHA. We may have different beliefs and we might see things in different perspective so give me a break. Also, I wrote all of this without google so they’re all from memory, so I hope I got everything right. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Okay, I told myself not to get carried away while typing this but here goes nothing. I DON’T GET YOU PEOPLE WHO HATE ON ELIZA MINNICK and ARILIZA. (human rainbows)

Before I start stating why Eliza and Ariliza are not hate-able, I’d like to share that yes, I am a Calzona fan too. Actually, I’m an Arizona fan but I love Calzona. I was invested. Like, my-life-depended-on-it invested. Calzona changed the game on Grey’s and I was one of those people weeping at the end of season 12 because Callie left with the coin. For a long time, they were the only sensible couple in that show while everyone was swapping boyfriends and girlfriends or being attachment barbies. I have always defended Calzona because I believe that what Callie and Arizona had was an epic romance with a hint of Shakespearean tragedy.

Let me go back to those Calzona moments that led us to where we currently are:

1.I giggled and went bat shit crazy when Arizona kissed Callie at the dirty bar bathroom. I mean, does that even happen in real life? “I think you’ll know” #swoon

2.I thought it was funny when Arizona called Callie a newborn and tried not to date her but she ended up asking her out anyway.

3.I found a whole new meaning to cold pizza. Well, duh. “I like the girl who has the sandwiches.”

4.I wanted to melt when they had the “Am I your girlfriend?” talk, forcing Callie to beg for her job back after telling Webber off.

5.Carlos Torres came into town and wanted to pray the gay away but Arizona gave the whole “good man in the storm” speech and let’s face it, Arizona Robbins set standards from that day on. And the fact that she first said she love’s Callie to Carlos rather than to Callie, major awww worthy. “I love your daughter, and I protect the things I love.”

6.I cried when Arizona cried at her surprise party only to end the episode with their first “I love you.” Btw, I still hate the fact that they did not show Callie’s face saying it too. Just saying. “Bad dream, bad dreams go away. Good dreams, good dreams here to stay.” And you have to do it 3x.

7.I didn’t know which side to pick when the baby issue came up and I will never listen to “Make It Without You” the same way ever again because that break up scene made me cry like crap. “I don’t know where we’re going.” They were supposed to go to Fiji and ended up breaking up. SHONDA! Then the elevator kiss. Ughhh.

8.When the hospital shooting happened and they decided that they’ve been stupid and they got back together with the promise of having all kinds of kids because Arizona couldn’t live without Callie and their ten kids. (Well.. that didn’t happen.)

9.When I was happy for Arizona when she won the Carter Madison Grant but didn’t realize the incoming train that was gonna hit me from nowhere and have Calzona break up at the airport. And I got super pissed at Callie for being sort of selfish here. Why can’t she support Arizona? Why couldn’t she just tell Arizona she wants to stay in Seattle but they’ll make LDR work? Why can’t she go back and forth Malawi (she has freaking trust fund and probs her own plane)? “We are standing in the middle of an airport screaming at each other, we are already over.”

10.When Arizona came back and gave that beautiful speech (Picture this….) and Callie was totally hating on her, slamming doors to her face and then suddenly dropped one of the biggest bombs of all, she was pregnant, with MARK SLOAN’S BABY! Of all people, MARRRRKKKK! She knew Arizona had Mark issues but still went for it. But Arizona was “in” anyway and they lived happily ever…. never.

11.They got into a stupid car accident after Arizona proposed, after fighting because of Mark and Callie’s relationship. Let’s admit it, they made Arizona the third wheel and it amazes me still that she stayed. And the entire time, nobody even checked on Arizona. I get it, Callie was like severely injured, hanging on to dear life but hellooooo Arizona got hurt too. Was she even taken to CT to check her head. Also when Mark told her she was nothing. I wanted to punch him so bad. Pffft. Sperm donor. “Can you live? Can you live for me.”

12.They got married and it was all butterflies and rainbows.

13.And they were happy again and finally, the Calzona fandom could breathe normally… NOT. That stupid plane crash changed the tone of the entire series and everyone became dark and twisted. And that stupid accident took Arizona’s leg.


15.THE LAUREN BOSWELL. Okay, fine. I admit it. Arizona did some pretty shit stuff too. I never fully understood why she cheated but I know that her mind wasn’t in the right place. And I got hurt for Callie too (You might say I’m pro Arizona all the way) and for a some time I totally got why Callie left her but then Callie kept throwing signals. I’m forgiving, I hater her, get out of the house, oh wait, I think I’d like you back……

16.THE MURPHY. Hmmmm. Is this really relevant? But fine, Arizona did shit after shit but at least this time she was single, thrown out of the house, judged by everyone around her. Flashback to the bar scene in 10x05, Callie made it pretty clear she doesn’t want anything to do with Arizona, heck she didn’t even let her pack her own stuff and made an intern do it.

But they somehow tried again and again and again…

17.Then April’s non-wedding. Arizona admitted here that things weren’t working out but suddenly, a freaking time jump and then they’re buying a murder house. FRESH START MY ASS!

18.We found out about the 2nd baby. (I cry) so obvi, Arizona is losing her mind because of all the damn things that keeps happening to her. Understandable. And I know it’s an equal lost for Callie but instead of helping Arizona, she kept on throwing Lauren and the leg into the mix.

19.And we all thought everything was going to be okay after they overcame the HR case from Murphy. Hence, the heely scene. “You shouldn’t have to give up anything.” Pfftt.

20.They decided to get a surrogate this time but that didn’t work out because Arizona applied for a fetal fellowship. She asked Callie if it was okay and she said yes but helloooooo, she later threw that into Arizona’s face.

21.They went to therapy and did the whole 30 day break no talking, no kissing (no other stuff) and they had a slip day 29 and lo and behold, after making Arizona think everything was going to be alright, Callie dumped her the next day in their therapists office saying Arizona suffocated her. WELL, WTF! 11x05 pretty much ended Calzona. And here is where I realized that maybe Callie was only in love with the idea of love and the good that comes with it.

22.THE COIN. Of course it’s Callie who gets to move on first and she had to do it with someone whom Arizona has to see every freaking day. AND PENNY KILLED DEREK! HAHAHAHA “Callie picked up a pretty penny.”

23.The custody battle. Okay, this was actually where I started doubting Callie, big time. She knew how much Sofia meant to Arizona and yet her side totally ruined Arizona’s image and played dirty, making it look like Arizona was an unfit mother. Callie wanted to take Sofia out of the village that raised her and go to New York to follow Penny who she’s not even totally in love with. Remember when Penny said I love you and Callie replied with a thank you. LOL. So, Arizona did deserve the custody. “The things you let them say about me. I would never do that to you.”

24.The end of S12. IF ANYBODY EVER COMMENTS THAT ARIZONA ROBBINS IS SELFISH, LET ME SLAP THE S12 FINALE INTO YOUR FACE. She gave Callie custody of Sofia and even bought her the stupid plane tickets because she wanted Callie to be happy. Okay. I’m done.

Well, hello S13. Callie is in New York with the coin and Sofia, having the time of their lives while Arizona is left alone in Seattle. I just realized that apart from Karev, Webber and Kepner she really didn’t have much interaction with anyone else that can be defined as a friendship.

Enters Eliza Minnick in 13x07. At first I didn’t really see anything to expect from her but it all changed during that elevator scene. “That named attached to that face. That’s not one you forget.” Followed by 13x08 wherein they both admitted that they were flirting with each other and finally after 2 painful seasons of seeing Arizona single, we have come to a new era. ELIZA MINNICK was the golden pot of the human rainbow. And when was the last time you’ve seen Arizona smile the way she smiled after Minnick invited her for drinks!? TELL ME!!!

But of course, Shonda won’t let me be happy just like that. She had to make me suffer and made Eliza, basically, the villain of S13 and have her stand against Webber. So now it comes down to loyalty. Of course, Arizona was going to choose Webber even though she was really interested in Eliza.

And so the chase began.

Eliza tries, Arizona pulls away. Eliza tries again, Arizona walks away. And then again, Arizona ignores her.

13x13 though was the game changer for Ariliza. Minnick was portrayed beyond her occupation. Yeah, she was a hardcore surgeon and educational consultant but this was the first time we saw her with emotions and in a vulnerable situation which made me appreciate the potential of her character.

Cha-ching! Parking lots! Horn wires! Hugs!

Arizona finally lets her heart decide. Hence, “I don’t like pretending not to like you.” and then the kiss! FIREWORKS!! So they started seeing each other in secret.

Then the pierogies and the Polish happened and the almost date and then they got caught by Webber. #SHONDACRIMES

Now, back to the agenda. Why don’t you guys like Eliza? She has clearly helped in teaching the residents something cause lets admit it, the attendings have been way to busy minding their own personal issues. Let me enumerate:

1.Alex going to jail
2.Alex vs. De Luca
3.Alex and Jo drama
4.Kepner and Avery with some co-habitation/ co-parenting drama
5.OWEN AND AMELIA being well, Owen and Amelia
6.Pierce crushing on Riggs, Riggs sleeping with Mer, Mer not telling Maggie, get the picture.
7.Bailey getting dictated by Catherine
8.Bailey vs. Warren. Church vs State
9.Catherine going behind Richard’s back

So, see! They’re all caught up in their own drama so I don’t wonder why they needed Minnick to help them remember that they all have a job to do apart from being surgeons, as TEACHERS!

I don’t get why Eliza is getting all the hate though.

1. She got hired. It’s not like she waltzed in GSMH demanding she changes the program
2. It was Catherine, who convinced Bailey to get Eliza and later on Bailey was the one who offered Eliza a job so, why do you hate her again?
3. Eliza tries her best to get along with everyone but first instinct of everyone (ehem Pierce) was to body block her even though she has proven countless of times that her style was effective. Modern and forward but effective. Look at how the resident are performing now.
4. SHE DIDN’T KILL THAT KID!! Get over it.
5. She knows people hate her and talk about her behind her back (or to her face) but she never said anything bad about anyone. Not that I recall. But I guess she never did.
6. She made Arizona’s super magic smile make an appearance again.
7. She cares for Arizona, hence, pretending they don’t like each other because she knows the backlash Arizona is going to get.
8. She’s a go-getter. “We could be something.”
10. She was adjusting for everyone but no one was adjusting for her.
11. She speaks Polish and I never knew I needed to hear Polish until she opened her mouth.
And more reasons to come…

Why can’t we let Arizona be happy? I get the hardcore Calzona fans expecting Callie to return and all. I have to admit, if she does and Eliza is still in the picture, I’m going to be confused myself. But right now, in Shondaland, Callie gets to be happy with Penny and Sofia in New York. Why are we expecting the very awesome Arizona Robbins to wait for Callie? What if Callie isn’t really the one? What if she was just the big in-between? What if Callie never comes back? What if Callie was the one but we don’t always end up with our one?

Why not live in the now?

Calzona was an epic love story. Nobody can argue with that. Through all the highs and the lows and all tragedy one can deal with in one life time, Calzona has sure proved something. But at the end of the day, Callie chose to leave Arizona. Arizona chose to let Callie move on and literally move. No one is questioning the story that they had. Sure they had flaws, lots of it but we knew that the love was real and that Sofia has 2 amazing moms.

At the moment, Arizona deserves to be happy and found that in Eliza. I’m not exactly sure if it could already be called a relationship and I’m not even sure if Minnick is staying for good but right now, bottomline is, Arizona deserves to be happy.

I, thank you.

Whooo. Had to get that out!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The One with the Number One

Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyy! Half A Million just landed on the #1 spot for Magic 89.9's #Top5at5 today, well technically yesterday since I'm posting this waaaay past midnight, but yeah, you get me. The chart has a new queen and she is slaaaaayin with this single from her new album 'A Different Playground' (which you should tots buy).

Half A Million has been on the #Top5at5 chart now for some time and just a few days ago it landed on the 2nd spot, triumphing over Charlie Puth's collab with Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber and Zayn Malik but still fell behind Lawson.
(c) @magic899

But todaaaay is an epic day as Karylle takes the number one spot for the first time, grabbing the throne from Lawson.
(c) @magic899

When Lawson was announced to take the number 2 spot, obvi, Karylle was taking the first spot, so people on twitter and Karylle herself has been in a celebratory mood already. As we wait for the announcement, a tidal wave of congratulatory tweets has flooded twitter.
(c) Snapchat: anakarylley

And then it was time to announce the taker of the number one spot. I, myself, was ready on Snapchat to capture the moment because I'm a fangirl like that. Of course, they tried to be all cliffhanger-y about it but we were sure it was in the bag and that it is Half  A Million and Karylle took a snap of herself awaiting the announcement as well but then suddenly they announced that Mark Ronson takes the first spot for today with Uptown Funk. Wait, what?

Karylle's snap when Uptown Funk was played
(c) Snapchat: anakarylley

They played like 30 seconds of the song with around a thousand people, including Karylle and myself, questioning "what the heck just happened" and "are they being serious, right now" before they stopped the song and started laughing. Maybe they heard the resounding tweet of "WTH". And then it was revealed, IT WAS A FREAKING PRANK! Well, somebody had to initiate the queen before she assumes her throne.
That look of relief.
(c) Snapchat: anakarylley

So, after pointing fingers at whose idea it was, they finally made it official and announced that Half A Million takes the top spot for tuh-day!! Yippeeee!

Here's my Snapchat story about it: pauautajay

And it looks like the queen is here to stay.
Let me use this picture one more time!
Congrats, K. May your single remain on the top spot and may all your other singles receive the same success. May the force be with you.

UPDATED: April 2

After dominating the #Top5at5 for 2 consecutive days, and down to the second spot again after Bieber takes the top spot on Thursday, Karylle has taken the #1 spot on #MagicPop30 today.

Damn Karylle, back at it again with the number one song. #DamnDaniel Congratulations on your achievements this week, ehem, best actress awardee.

-Basically PauAu

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The One With A Different Playground 2.0

Finalmente, finally! After its release on November 6 of last year, #ADifferentPlayground has officially been launched last February 26 at Eastwood. I have been waiting for this for quite some time now. I've been going cray over this album and playing it over and over again that I couldn't wait for the actual launch to write a blog about it. If you'd scroll down a bit, I did a review of the album after hearing it for the first time (and I recommend reading that first. Here's the link coz I don't you guys having a hard time :)))) : )

As usual, for every Karylle event I bring someone with me to help out in covering the event, but of course I did not disclose this upon invitation. So, this event's victim is non- other than my cousin. Hola, ate Kaia. (Follow her on twitter @ShikaraRomuar)

Thank you for patiently holding the video cam as I took pictures (thank her for the videos) and for braving the fangirl world with me. Thank you, also, for not disowning me after seeing how cray I get. I knew you were a bit culture shocked by how loud we scream but I'm sure you had fun.

Speaking of screaming, I think I shattered an eardrum when Karylle's voice over for her intro came in. As much as I would like to transcribe it for you, the kids just went wild for her voice, the more her entrance. I can't blame them because I, myself, lost it.

She started her set with Can't Shut Up which was the first song released from this album. I will never get tired of this cute choreography and catchy lyrics. Obviously, this was a crowd favorite because people were singing and dancing along to it. Perfect opening song to get everyone's energy up.

Half A Million came in second.

The thing I look forward to in live performances is hearing the story behind the song. I love the back story of accidentally creating the tune by playing a single chord. Also, I love the attempt of making a Game of Thrones reference by singing "north and south oppose" but as Yael said, GoT is about the east and west but in K's defense "east and west oppose, panget".

BTW, GoT is back on April 25th, finally we can find out if Jon Snow lived or not. I hope he didn't turn into a white walker. And is it just me or is Yael channeling Jon Snow? It's probably the hair.

Like what I said in my previous post, I love the progression of this song and now I love it even more because they were able to perform it live and sound the same as the record. So the same that Youtube had some copyright issues for the audio. Pffft. Request Half A Million on Magic 89.9!

This next song, I didn't expect for Karylle to sing since this was from her previous album so, the more that I didn't expect for her to perform Sa'yo Na Lang Ako as a duet with her husband, Spongecola vocalist, Yael Yuzon! Don't you just love them together? #Kayel

Every time Karylle sings this song, the story of her PhilPop experience never fails to pop-up and make the crowd laugh. This version of the story however, contained a bonus sample of her declamation chops with Edgar Allan Poe's Tell-Tale Heart while her husband supports in the background.

I never thought of this song as a duet but hearing them makes me realize that it could actually work as such. #BlendingOnFleek Studio version, please!

Tenderly was the sound I don't usually hear from Karylle and found it unusual for her when I first heard it but hearing her sing it live, it made me like and appreciate the song more.

For Sunflowers, which, I agree, is a very high song, Karylle had Robin Nievera perform with her.

A quick background of the song was also shared and how it started with Karylle saying that she loves sunflowers. I'm still not sure why sunflowers is the title and if the word was ever mentioned in the song but anyway, I love the vibe of this. It's so chill and feel-good. In my opinion, it's a perfect song to energize you but at the same time, also just right to calm you down.

Update: I just read the full lyrics. Sunflowers is there. HAHAHA. 

Another of my favorite was performed. Kiss You was also a song from Karylle's previous album but it's still obviously a crowd fave basing it on their reaction, and by that I mean the screams. It's funny how K translated "kiss you" in French and in Filipino. The Filipino version was not expected but gaaaah. That was just too witty for my life. Also, the dance from the music video never gets old.

Magbalik Ka Na, Mahal is her rendition of the song from the 2012 production of Rama Hari. This production is very memorable to me. Apart from the fact that the show was really amazing and made me appreciate theater even more, this was the first time I ever met Karylle, so imagine my fangirl soul all over that place and going cray. It's really great that they deviated from the original song by making it sound more modern but with the same deep, and I mean intensely deep, words. Hearing this live made me realize something, Karylle needs a new musical soon!

Upon my first listen of A Different Playground, Sunny Daze was an early favorite. I liked the chill vibe of the song and I loved it even more live. It didn't need much to make it awesome. I fell in love with the melody of  this song that I've been told to be unconsciously singing or humming it. That guitar! This is my new Basically a.k.a. the song to calm me down. I really want to make a cover of it upon learning the chords but I don't think I can bring justice to this waaaay toooo awesome song, so let's leave it to Karylle.

To end her set, Karylle sang Baliktanaw, the optimistic view of not throwing away the good memories with the bad, which for me is probably the most positive break up song I have ever heard. The live version made me feel it even more because the crowd was singing along to every line. This is definitely #LSSWorthy and playing this in the morning does the job of waking me up. This was definitely the perfect song to end the event on a high note and I mean that literally. The ooohhs and the adlibs were just off the roof.

On a non-musical not, can I just say how #OnFleek Karylle was during her launch. It's cute that she, technically, stayed in character by dressing up the same as her album theme. I love the dress #Retro. Also, #VocalsOnFleek + #StylingOnFleek + #EyebrowsOnFleek + #CatEyeOnFleek = #KarylleSlayingInEveryLevel

I've met and seen Karylle perform live a ton of times already but every time always feels like the first.

I hope Karylle liked the Alena painting I gave her.

Just had to add this video somewhere:

p.s. I missed doing this and I really don't mind doing this as a job. HAHAHA
p.p.s. Proper credits in using the photos and videos.
-Basically PauAu