

Monday, January 5, 2015

The One With Kat Dennings

Have you ever encountered an actor who was a part of the supporting cast but later on found stardom in a major way? A perfect example for one would be Rob Pattinson. He played alongside Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter as Cedric Diggory and then came his big break as Edward Cullen in the film adaptation of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga. This exactly how I found the new subject to my fangirling.

She's played along side Hilary Duff, Robert Downey Jr., Natalie Portman, Chris Hemsworth, Steve Carell, and even the ladies of Sex and the City. It's none other than her royal awesomeness...

As the semestral/ Christmas break rolled in, I have around a month and 2 weeks of doing absolutely nothing. So I figured, I'd catch up on my tv series. After finishing Pretty Little Liars and Suits up to it's latest episode I decided to take a chance and start on a new series and this is when I found 2 Broke Girls.
It's a story about Max (Kat Dennings) and Caroline (Beth Behrs) who work as waitresses at the Williamsburg diner while they try to start up a cupcake business which isn't as easy as it looks like. Together with the hilarious cast they embark on a roller coaster ride that focuses on friendship and goal -attainment while you're broke.

In the series, my favorite character is Max Black which is played by Kat Dennings. Wanna know why I love her character? Here are a few reasons why.

Here's a video from the show the shows her impeccable comedic timing.

This is one of my favorite scenes from Season 3

After finishing 2 Broke Girls from season 1 up to the latest season in, roughly, around 3 days, I had a field day in Kat Dennings IMDB page. Guilty of obsession/ fan dedication.

I literally ransacked our VCD and DVD collection plus the magical portal of internet and went through every single thing on her filmography.  So I went with Sex and the City first. She was featured in the episode called "Hot Child in the City". (Season 3 episode 15) Thank God my mom had the complete series on VCD. :)

And then I went on a rampage and watched all other series she guested in like Without A Trace, E.R., CSI, CSI:NY and The Newsroom. From a person with a missing boyfriend to a rich kid hosting pharma parties, I really enjoyed watching all the series episodes she was in. I honestly loved her recurring role in E.R. when she was paired with Shane West, too bad her character needed to move because of daddy issues.

After all the series flashback, I went to movies. One of the first movies I've seen her in was Raise Your Voice with Hilary Duff where she plays Sloane, the quiet piano genius, and I love her already but this was waaaaaay back. I still remember watching it the first time and laughing so hard when she went on a date with Kiwi in that "dress".  I also read from somewhere that she actually took piano lessons for this role. Geez. Talk about dedication. #SHEDOESN'TEVENKNOW

Then I watched the 40- Year Old Virgin and Big Momma's House 2. Somehow, I noticed that she's always playing a rebellious teenager. Well, she does an awesome job at it. Next movie was Charlie Bartlett. Okay, I have no idea where to begin with this one. Let me just say, "IF YOU WANT TO SING OUT, SING OUT." For crying out loud, the girl can sing too! I'm seriously recommending this movie!! 

And then there was Shorts, The House Bunny and Defendor. Yes, not defender, it's DEFENDOR! Your modern day super hero looking for Captain Industry. 

Next on the movie list was Daydream Nation. How do I describe this film? I found Josh Lucas' character very disturbing and it was creeping me out at some point but atleast in the end Thurston and Caroline ended up together even if it took them quite a number of events like a student getting involved with her crazy professor, some people overdosing, a serial killer being accidentally killed and crazy professor who bleached his hair and shot himself

End lesson: Don't get involved with your professor who has a lot of self esteem and attachment issues and then use a guy who actually likes you as a cover up. Don't do drugs. Stop partying when there's a serial killer on the loose. And probably a lot more.

Now, here's another favorite. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.

In a span of one month, I've lost count of how many times I watched this movie. I sort of memorized it already. There were even weeks that I'd watch it everyday. Crazy, I know. But I love it especially the end scene and the scene before that. =))

Norah: Are you sad we missed it?
Nick: We didn't miss it. This is it.
I DIEE!!! Don't even get me started on the musical scoring for this movie.

I never thought I'd get hooked on a superhero movie but what the heck. I loved Thor and Thor: The Dark World because of Kat Dennings and her taser. 

I personally believe that Darcy's character is the best thing that happened to the Thor franchise. When all the evil fighting and intense action reaches a certain level, a few smart ass comments or one liners from Darcy Lewis can never go wrong.

For Thor 3, I really wish Loki and Darcy get to meet and maybe even get together. Come on! He's sort of miserable so he deserves the lady. On the other hand, she's been working so hard while third wheeling on the Thor/Jane romance. So Loki/Darcy should happen!! One, I think it'll be sarcasm heaven and two, I think Loki will find his match in Darcy. Gaaaahhh!! Imagine the banter!

Me too, my dear.

It's amazing how Loki and Darcy haven't even met yet but the number of fanarts online are countless. See!!! They see it too! 

So yeah, I spent one day blogging about my current attachment to Kat Dennings, her witty and sarcastic character and her awesomeness in general. There'll probably a part two fro this blog. I can sense it!

This is the point of no return. I am hooked. 

P.S. All the pictures were found on pinterest and google. So i don't own anything. :D

- Basically PauAu