

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Cover: Basically

Ever had that one song that just stuck to you like glue or maybe even mighty bond? Totally happened to me. My favorite song of all time. Okay, maybe "all time" is quite exaggerated but I never got over this after it's release. It's one of those song I never get tired of hearing. I also love hearing this live whenever I get the chance to watch Karylle perform live.
The chords are not online. (BOOO!!) but I tweeted Yael, and lucky for me he gave me the first chord which is A7 and I worked on it. It took me about an hour and a half to figure out all the chords and I finally did!!! Snaps for Pau!
This song weirdly manages to calm me down. It's just so positive. It's kind of a love song but I don't know why it's my jam to the most unromantic activities of my life. A perfect example is, this is the song I listen to before exams to avoid being a nervous wreck. Weird, right?
The thing about making covers is you want to sound good because you'll never know who might hear it. It was a good thing I exerted a little more effort on this one because I never expected this tweet on my mentions on twitter.

-Basically PauAu

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