Just like any other impromptu plans, I thought this wasn’t going to push through. It was only this Saturday when I decided I wanted to watch Karylle at Rob Mag the next day and I couldn’t wait to find someone to drag with me. So while I was at a party, I was busy thinking of options of people to go with. My first option has always been my bud, Ria. She’s been with me to every fangirling event I went to but then she told me she had an anatomy exam so she couldn’t go and for someone as grade conscious as I am, I understood but I still missed her. Bummer! (You owe me one). Next on the list was my blockmate, Kaye, who is also a fan of Karylle, but she lives way too far to go. (Next time dear.) Next on my list was my sister. (Yes, she’s third on my list.) Making her go with me to be my “photographer” cost me her book report and one of her projects. I wouldn’t do or even suggest that on a normal day but I was getting desperate. Even after doing all that, I wasn’t satisfied with my companion so I invited the last person I would invite to this sort of thing.
Meet Alexa!
Facts about Alexa:
- She doesn't like music that much, or music doesn't like her that much.
- She judges me for buying CDs
- She judges me for fangirling
- She doesn’t own a CD player
- She didn’t know she can play an audio CD on her laptop
- She’s going to kill me after everything I just wrote so I better stop.
So yeah, I made Alexa postpone her move from home to dorm so that she can go with me to watch Karylle. What a great friend! That even though she doesn’t have the biggest interest on what we’re about to do she still went. Awww!! Thanks Regina George, I knew Cady could count on you!
Anyway, the show started a little past 5:00 pm. It was me, Alexa and my sister in the crowd.
Karylle started her set with one of my all-time favorites, “OMG”, from her previous album, Roadtrip. I’ve always liked this because it was not her usual style but it works. It really works. You have no idea how this upbeat song has helped my 5:30 am wake up call.
Next song was her current single, “Kapiling Kita”. She just released the music video of this song a few weeks ago and it’s currently on the charts.
Last October, I and some of my friend were able to watch “Cinderella” at Resort’s World Manila and the song, “In My Own Little Corner” from the musical made it to her album. It’s my second favorite scene from the play, just right after the “Ten Minutes” scene.
“Sa’yo Na Lang Ako” was her PhilPop entry last year which placed on the top 5. The story about her winning assumptions and very fitting gown the night of the award show never gets old.
My mommy likes this song and she always says that every time she hears it. She even asked me to put it on her phone because she would like to memorize it. -___-
For her last song, she sang and danced to “Kiss You”, from her latest album, together with 7 lucky audience members.
*I have an acoustic cover of this song on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/therealpauau/kiss-you-by-karylle-cover-use Go check it out! :D
Just like her other mall shows, she had a meet and greet afterwards. Earlier I said, Alexa doesn’t have a CD player and she judges me for buying CDs but guess what, I made her buy one by paying half of it. LOL! Now she’s problematic on how and where she’s going to play it.
While waiting in line, I asked my sister to take pictures of me and Alexa since this is her first time to go to this kind of thing (and I’m sure, won’t be the last ).
I also ran in to some friends of mine. The Chinjen sisters!
Finally, we reached the end of the line. I got a CD signed for my other friend and I finally got my Cinderella playbill autographed by Cinderella herself. Eeeek!
Alexa told Karylle how she doesn’t have a CD player, how I forced her to go there and buy a CD, how Karylle’s CD was her first CD after Britney Spears and all that but even though she tries to pretend she was forced to be there she sure had a lot to say. =))
See, this is her trying to show off her “Povedan accent”, as she puts it.
And of course my videographer/ stage mother had to get her own picture!
Before saying goodbye, Karylle even introduced me to Yael as Pau “the singer”. Kilig. Tehheee! Kayel forever! :”>
And that ends the last event on the last day of summer. It’s back to college for me!
Oh by the way, while all of this was happening. My driver slash very patient father stuck around the entire show, patiently waiting for me to finish my fangirl mode. :D
Thanks Dad!
-Basically PauAu
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